Thursday, July 06, 2006

Surgical updates

Corbin made it out to Moderate care for a half hour where he aspirated and then coded. He was rushed into Pod A. They were able to get his heart beating again but were having a lot of difficulty in ventilating him. Then his heart stopped again. He was quickly placed on ECMO on April 21st. For four days Corbin bleed loosing over 400 units of blood in those four days. They were able to stop the bleeding. He had to go onto dialysis and remove a lot of access fluid. They worked hard and he was able to get off ECMO on April 30th. He was still very sick and was placed on Nitric oxyide and a lot of other blood pressure support to keep him alive. We then worked our way at getting better. On May 19th Corbin was taken off the vent. He then had surgery on May 25th to have a G/J tube placed. He ended up needing four tubes due to problems with them.

Then on June 22nd Corbin went into heart failure. He was having a lot of trouble loosing his fluid. They found that his right lung was not getting any blood flow to it and the pulminary artery needed opening again. So on Monday June 26th Corbin had a heart catherization to place a stent. Unfortunately the stent placement went wrong and he had to have open heart surgery to remove two stents lost and fix the PA.

This is the abbreviated version and more can be read on under his carepage name corbingrabb.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

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