Sunday, November 27, 2005

Mommy lets me do things none of my brothers would ever have gotten away with. I think it is my weight and eating issues that lets me get away with this.  Posted by Picasa

Beano Bunny is either getting slower or Corbin is getting Faster! Oh Oh Beano! Your in Trouble now. Posted by Picasa

This is how Corbin gets his exercise! Chasing our bunny around the family room! Good thing Beano Bunny is fast! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Gunnar and Aiden two peas in a pod! Where one is the other is not far off! Posted by Picasa

Yummy spagetti!!! I am really getting into the eating as you can see! Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 21, 2005

Corbin is doing really well. Loves to be on the move and get into anything that he can. His favorite places in the house are the bathroom to splash in the toilet and his brothers room to try and eat the legos.  Posted by Picasa

Take 1 !!!! This may take awhile! Posted by Picasa

Take 560! :) At getting all four boys! Posted by Picasa

Christmas Pictures With Brodie and Corbin Posted by Picasa

Friday, November 18, 2005

November 18

Hello Everyone,
I am back after much work on our computer. If you have ever received an email from me in the past, I no longer have your email address so sorry for the lack of communication from me. If you send us a new email we will re enter you in our outlook. We had to wipe it clean and I never backed up my outlook. As Grand Penny says Technology is great when it works! Currently Grand Penny's computer is terminally ill as well so she has no way to communicate with you either.

We have had a very busy two weeks. Many doctor appointments. Corbin saw an audiologist and did a simple hearing test. They determined he did have small hearing loss but not enough that it would affect his speech. Then we saw the ENT about Corbin's continuous ear infections. He was not sure of the cause without doing a sedated MRI or CAT scan which we are not willing to do at this point unless they become untreatable with antibiotics. Last week we had his well visit and weight check. He lost 12 ounces for his first week eating on his own. Not the greatest news but they were willing to work on him going another week.

This week we had two appointments his weight check and flu shot. He has not lost in my mind (1 ounce) difference in how they read the scale! So we have been given another week to try. He really needs to gain a few ounces by next week or I can already hear the words. Put him back on that dreaded tube. We also saw the Cardiologist. She just loved how great he looked and could not get over how PINK his lips were! They have never really been pink before always a blue hue! Due to how high his saturations were we are doing a trial run off oxygen all together! We are on the saturation monitor for a week and if he stays this high we can come off altogether! We are staying where we are on all his medications since he is doing so well. For some really great news, his blood pressure was perfect difference between the arms and legs! You expect a 10 degree difference with a child such as Corbin and that is exactly what it was.

So we are to hold tight this winter, stay healthy and the plan is while Corbin is doing well catch him on the upswing and do the next surgery (whatever that may be hopefully the Fontan) this late late spring or summer. She feels it would be best before he starts showing any symptoms of needing it as her experience has been they do better if you catch them at the high point.

I can honestly say I dread the Fontan. I would love to close my eyes and for it to be over. But on the same note I don't want to make time go faster and miss a second of Corbin and his brothers. It is the strangest feeling to have when thinking of sending your son, whom you have already witnessed near death, back into experience the unthinkable another open heart surgery that is so very risky for him yet needed. Please pray for us that we will not fear Corbin's future as it is a temptation.

Grandma Mimi You will be happy to know Travis and I have even managed to squeeze in our own Doctor appointments this past month and all is well with us too!

Please pray for Travis' Dad as he is recovering from Back surgery. For Grand Penny as she finally received a diagnosis on her illness and begins a very difficult medicine regime (similar to when Corbin came home)to regain her health. For Corbin to stay healthy this winter. For the many families that we know facing this holiday in the hospital. Miss Taylor Forbes has been in the hospital over a year waiting on a new heart. She has the same heart condition as Corbin. Please join us in praying that she receives that gift of life and makes it home for Christmas! Also a big Congratulations to Stacey and Zach on the birth of their first daughter Erin Michelle!

Much Love and Prayers for all Terri

Corbin's Fun Run Store

CMG Heart Foundation Awareness Store