Monday, December 26, 2005

December 26, 2005

We are all doing very well. We had a wonderful Christmas with the family. It was great to see everyone ripping open presents. The boys told us about the very first Christmas. Then GrandPenny and Poppy came over. So we had round two with Christmas. Then after they left we had GrandPap and Grandma Sue over for dinner for round three. It was lots of fun.

Our relatives all could not get over what a wild little boy Corbin has turned into. He climbs onto anything he can make into a stool. He flips over my laundry baskets (laundry and all) and then proceeds to climb right on. He really loves to climb over the ottoman in the family room then fall into the chair so that he bounces on his face into the pillows. He has learned that my kitchen chair is also a small step ladder. He is always lifting the lid and climbing up onto it. We may have to remove it from the kitchen. He also has a fascination with my spice drawer. He loves getting into the spices and we have the proof of it too. A lovely picture of him white from head to toe of cornstarch! The crazy kid took it out and poured it all over himself before I could stop him. Then proceeded to try and eat it! He has no evidence of his oral aversion from one year ago! GrandPenny had the privilege of chasing Corbin, Christmas eve night at our church service. He was running all around and if you don't keep up with him for his oxygen he just rips it right out of his nose and keeps going! Nothing stops this little stinker. She redirected him from the stairs, the flowers, the signs and tried to keep his oxygen in too. I think she needed to rest after her hour of nonstop activity with Corbin! If anyone needs some additional exercise we know of a new weight loss program. Place a 20 lb oxygen tank on your back and keep up with a very active 18 month old at all times without knocking him unconscious as you bend up and down from the tank swinging around!

Corbin and boys are enjoying a relaxing week with Daddy. We received the unexpected surprise that he has this week off. All the time Travis took off for Corbin's doctor and hospital stays this year was never counted against him in sick or vacation time. The company (United Rentals) was really amazing and we are ever so grateful. So Travis has to use up some of his vacation time before the new year!

Have a great new year and God Bless.

We posted new video of wild man Corbin doing his new stunts!
Terri and Family

December 22, 2005
Merry Christmas to our Dedicated Followers,

I pray that this Christmas we all take the time to remember the true reason we celebrate, for the amazing gift God sent us, His son, who lived and died for us!

"But when he had considered this, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, 'Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife; for the Child who has been conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.' Now all this took place to fulfill what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet: 'BEHOLD, THE VIRGIN SHALL BE WITH CHILD AND SHALL BEAR A SON, AND THEY SHALL CALL HIS NAME IMMANUEL,' which translated means, 'GOD WITH US.'" (Matthew 1:20-23)

This week we have had physical therapy, our pediatrician appointment, and our first appointment with speech. Corbin is doing very well. He has gained weight. We are over 20 pounds, finally. We had his second synargis shot to protect from RSV today. I really dislike having to put him through that shot. He always ends up throwing up and scaring the Doctor and Nurse. He stops breathing and he then begins to throw up and gets very very purple. The nurses alternate who has to be the one that has to give it to him. I feel bad for them as well.

We spoke to the Doctor about Corbin's new habit of drinking a bottle all night long to sleep, waking up so many times we lose count of how many times we have gotten up with him. We have tried the cry it out routine but that just ends up us changing many sheets due to him vomiting so much and him getting sweaty and shaky. Not sure at what point that becomes dangerous with his heart condition so we have decided to not even try anymore.

Corbin is making great strides in his physical therapy. He is now climbing up onto small steps and walking all over the place. His new speech therapist is very good. She herself had a daughter with hypoplastic left lung and a g tube. So she was very familiar with all of Corbin's complications. One of her first observations on Corbin is that his saturations drop while he eats his bottle. He needs more oxygen while eating so he can drink better. He works so hard on swallowing and sucking he still hasn't mastered the breathing part. We have also brought him back to the haberman feeder since he can only do an ounce at a time with the bottle. We will also be working on getting him to accept a cup with milk instead of a bottle. She is beginning to work on his speech as well. Our goal is to get him to begin to imitate sounds of babbling. Not sure I am ready for another person in the house that can speak. Corbin can make sounds, but he just has not made words or actively ever tried. He has shown no interest, but he does understand well. So we know that he is very capable of speech.

Travis is having a minor surgical procedure tomorrow. Please keep him in your prayers. Corbin has been the healthiest one in our family as our other three have caught and passed on colds. It is by your prayers he has been so healthy. Thank you.

Our next appointment is not until January 11th with GI. Then we have an 18 month well visit with Corbin that we have to make at some point early next month. His synargis shot for January will be after the 20th. So we only have three doctor appointments for Corbin and one for Brodie. Brodie has an appointment with the eye surgeon in January as well. Praying each of you, and especially those that have lost their little ones this year, May you all have a wonderful Birthday Celebration for our Lord and Savior. Terri and Family

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