The boys are not feeling well currently all three have strep throat. We have been snuggling a lot on the couch and watching TV. I have to admit that I don't like the day we have to run to the doctors office but enjoy the day after when we can relax at home snuggling in bed and on the couch.
We are getting ready for the holidays. I am amazed how each day there is an ache in our hearts for Corbin. Some days it is just a dim pain, others it is an agonizing overwhelming blinding pain searing deep into the souls of our hearts. Brodie still talks about when Corbin comes home how he will play with this toy or wear this shirt like him. We have stopped explaining that Corbin is not coming home.
For me, the holidays are just hard. Missing Corbin and my parents, the holidays are a time when it makes the hole in my life and heart feel like a spasm of darkness before me. Yet, with that I remember to enjoy each day. Cherish the holidays with the boys and take nothing for granite.
All our Love,
Terri and Family