Saturday, July 15, 2006


As I was doing my devotional time this morning this is what I read by Spurgeon.

A Christian can look forward to tomorrow with joy. Tomorrow is a happy thing. It is one stage nearer glory, one step nearer heaven, one more mile sailed across life's dangerous sea, one mile closer to home.

Tomorrow is a fresh lamp of the fulfilled promise that God has placed in His firmament. Use it as a guiding star or as a light to cheer your path. Tomorrow the Christian may rejoice. You may say that today is black, but I say that tomorrow is coming. You will mount on its wings and flee. You will leave sorrow behind.

Tomorrow, or perhaps before then, this head will wear the crown (James 1:12). This arm will wave the palm (Rev. 7:9). This lip will sing the song (Rev. 5:13). Tomorrow, this heart will be full of immortal, everlasting, eternal bliss (Rev. 21:4). Be of good cheer, fellow Christian, tomorrow can have nothing negative for you.

Surgeon pg 120 Beside Still Waters

This really spoke to me. Yes, today I am sad. I miss Corbin's very much. But what a beautiful thing God gives us Tomorrow!



Anonymous said...


I think of you every day. This is a wonderful little passage, and I'm glad you found some comfort in it.

We send our love to all of you.

Anonymous said...

We continue to think of you an little Corbin everyday. He holds a very special place in our hearts forever.

Jennifer Pelkey
CP: MatthewPelkey

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.

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