Tuesday, April 11, 2006

April 11, 2006

The Grace of God is with the Grabb family.

Corbin and parents had an uneventful drive to Michigan and a real treat visiting and staying over with heart friends Halle and Amy, before reporting to Mott Children’s Hospital on Monday. Halle, who had her Fontan surgery recently, was such an encouragement to Terri and Travis – hopefully to Corbin, too!

Check-in day was uneventful except “no room” at Ronald McDonald House (RMH), so they stayed in the hospital hotel, Med Inn. It’s VERY nice but far more expensive, so they were relieved to get to move to RMH this afternoon. I will apologize in advance for any errors or confusion in my messages. I will be getting the information “second hand” and trying to process it from medical to layman terms.

Today Corbin had a sedated echocardiogram, chest x-ray and blood tests. He was not happy about not being allowed to eat or drink and went from “pleading” with every sign he knows, to big sad tears, to outright anger, and was hysterical by the time they reported for the echo. How sad that they work for over a year to get him to eat, he just becomes an independent eater and then they won't let him eat! The sedatives worked, however, and he was still sleeping it off hours later.

No “official” news, but T&T watched the echo and know that bloodflow through the stent is great and there is only “minimal” tricuspid valve leakage (as opposed to moderate previously). The doctor could not get a look at the Right Pulmonary Artery (RPA) nor the shunt, so they don’t know the size or condition of the RPA, but they know by stethoscope that the shunt is open and working (and because his oxygen saturations are still low). There is a new issue and that is the inominate vein (feeds the lungs) is occluded and Corbin’s body has made “collateral” veins in order for the blood to have somewhere to go. That’s apparently why his left chest is blue, so they will do a contrast study as part of the heart catheterization (cath) to figure out where his blood is going and the condition of the vein and collaterals.

His coumadin (blood thinner) levels are optimal for tomorrow’s cath and upcoming surgery. The cath will be Wednesday, late morning (2nd case) and he may be admitted to the unit at that time to leave the lines in for Thursday’s surgery. T&T don’t expect to see Dr. Ohye (surgeon) until just before surgery and Corbin is his first and only case that day. Last May, it was 6 am when Dr. Ohye entered in his suit (not scrubs), that they first found out there would be no surgery. So they may not know the “plan” this time until the last minute. Tomorrow’s cath will determine the course of Thursday’s surgery.

Gunnar, Aiden and Brodie are doing great and we’re staying very busy from playgrounds to lessons, painting, trampoline, scooter rides, books and even learning some new handcrafts. Please refer to the earlier specific prayer requests posted and know that we sincerely appreciate your prayers for Corbin’s healing, treatment and recovery.

May God be Glorified in ALL things THIS day.
Until tomorrow,

April 9, 2006

Terri, Travis and Corbin left early this morning to drive to Ann Arbor. They hope to make the trip in one day, but that will depend upon Corbin's ability to be still!

When they dropped off the other 3 boys last night, I must say that Corbin is definitely at his best. Happy, playful, active, no oxygen, eating fully on his own, no developmental delays. As I gave him my "instructions" (to be content, but not too content -- to do his best to come home very soon), he looked at me and nodded. So very many people have prayed for him and over him in person, that I really believe he understands.

Terri and Travis have done a phenomenal job preparing for this trip, only by the grace of God. Its anticipation is overwhelming, but their strength is apparent: "for when I am weak, God is strong."

The schedule for Corbin 's Testing and Treatment is as follows:

Sunday, April 9 - Travel by car to Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Monday , April 10th - Check into the Ronald Mc Donald House or MedInn, hospital paperwork, and meet with hospital Social Services.

Tuesday, April 11th - Blood work, EKG, Sedated Echocardiogram, Chest x ray , Check up with Cardiology and Gastroenterology.

Wednesday, April 12th - Heart Catherization (although Dr. Ohye is now suggesting they skip this part)

Thursday , April 13th - Open Heart Surgery (Fontan Procedure)

Our prayer requests for Corbin and family:

In order for Corbin to have this surgery he needs:
Tricuspid Valve to be working with no more than "mild to moderate" leakage.
Pressure in his pulmonary arteries to be lower than 15. (last check was 22 to 25!)
Pulmonary arteries to have grown
Superior vena cava to have grown to accept more blood flow.
To remain healthy and infection-free prior to surgery, including strong by eating well!

We ask you to Pray that:

The family travels safely, without incident, to Michigan.

That all logistical details of lodging, etc. will fall into place.

Corbin would not have difficulty coming off of the ventilator after the surgery.

He will not be frightened by the doctors, nurses and staff as he undergoes dozens of tests, blood draws, IV’s and procedures.

They are able to gain access in the only two arterial sites available for his heart catherization, without having to go through his liver, which increases the risks of infection and involves a very painful recovery.

He will not have trouble with fluid accumulation in his lungs and heart during the recovery, as he did last time.

Corbin can stay infection-free during his days in the hospital.

Corbin’s body will be able to handle the change in blood circulation by the surgery and allow the doctors to close his chest upon completion of the surgery.

Corbin is protected from human error and handled gently and skillfully by all hospital staff.

Gunnar, Aiden, and Brodie will not be fearful during this time and will feel God’s love as they are at GrandPenny's.

Penny (Travis’ mom) will not have any problems caring for the boys and her health will remain well, especially during the first week when most of her family is on a mission in Mexico. Layna will be home helping her.

Travis and Terri will feel confident in their decisions for Corbin’s care. That they will feel God’s leading in all decisions.

The many families, doctors, nurses and staff they meet will see them as a light and they will Glorify God in ALL things.

Praise God for those who've helped Terri prepare and offered to help me also.Thank you for your care and prayers! We expect many miracles.


Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.

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