Tuesday, September 20, 2005


After a few rough weeks of little sleep, Travis and I made some changes for Corbin and where he would sleep. We have had him sleeping next to us in his crib since we brought him home. This was largely due to his many medication needs, pumps and tubing. Over the months this has gotten better. We only have one medication to give at night and one time to refill his food bag. So we have gotten much better about night time needs. The problem is that Corbin does not sleep well. On average he can wake up 5 to 7 times a night. They never seem to coincide with his meds or food change. Leaving me to be awake most of the night. Every book you read on Baby's and sleep says to NEVER have cords or things in their crib that could cause them to strangle themselves. Yet, Corbin's crib holds his oxygen tubing, his feeding tubing, and his feeding pump which is plugged into an outlet! His sleep situation has always made me nervous, especially as he becomes more mobile!

After much prayer and faith we have placed Corbin in his own room with Brodie. We are using swimming noodles to prevent him from strangling on his cords! Last night was the first night Corbin has ever slept in a room without an adult! He did fairly well. I was only up a total of seven times. Five times for him waking and twice for his food and medications. Then this morning Brodie woke up and asked for Corbin to play on the floor of the room with him. They played for a total of 20 minutes! It is wonderful to have a room that is safe for him to be in and for Brodie as well.

We are praying that this continues to go well. That this will help Corbin sleep better at night as well as myself.

Corbin otherwise is doing well. We have noticed that he may have an abscess or small infection on his chest near his incision. It started out pinhole in shape and has slowly gotten bigger. We are treating it with antibiotics. He has started a new phase of not eating. So everything is back to being tube fed. Like many babies they go in phases. Just seems to be more noticeable with Corbin when he stops. Makes things a little more challenging here at home as to what is normal or related to his heart defect and GI issues.

Thanks for your prayers,
Terri and Family

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