Saturday, August 11, 2007

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Long Over Due

I know I am long overdue for an update, so here you go.

Life just whizzes by me. I try hard to just hang on to the coat tails and pray I don't let go and fall off. Who knows where I may land!

We celebrated Corbin's 3rd birthday on July 20th with an amazing tribute to his life at the cemetary with many families. The occasion was filled with laughter, squeeling children and lots of energy. As I gazed out at the mass of children (over 15 kids at his graveside) I whispered up to him and said Oh my son how right this is. For you loved these children. You loved to chase, play and wrestle each one. May we always remember your love and joy for life. Your smiles and joyful approach to all things. So we had a time of prayer and then we released butterflys to send butterfly kisses to Corbin. Each of the Children decorated the grave with handmade pinwheels.

We had an amazing and wonderful first Annual Corbin's Fun Run. I was overwhelmed and at times speechless with tears at the many who came out and asked us to continue and do it again next year. We made THOUSANDS of dollars to go to CHD research. It was incredible. I am working on a slide show so it should be up soon.

This past few weeks since the event have been catching our breath and regaining our energy.
As Brodie approaches his time to begin school. Yes, he is entering into Kindergarten at the local school here. He is very excited but has some things to say about it that make us laugh. Gunnar and Aiden told Brodie that "Brodie is going to PRISON!" after the comment made with Grand Penny that a school looks like a prison. You can tell my children have been home schooled and never even entered into a school before to know the difference. Brodie went on to tell Grand Penny and Poppy that "There are bullys at my school and I am going to beat them up!" So I have some small worries over how the first few days of school will go but praying it is peaceful.

Life with three boys is incredibly busy. At times I wonder how a Mother survives the childhood years. I once heard a lady talk about her dogs that she could only let two out to play at a time if you let more than that they act like a pack and make bad choices. I think the same goes for BOYS.

This past week we have had to scrub berry juice out of there hair and skin because they got the bright idea to make themselves into Umpa Lumpas from Charlie and The Choclate Factory. Then they proceeded to top the afternoon off with making a mud bubble bog and taking our 2 year old neighbor boy into the mud bog and trying to make him a different color! Yes, we went through no less than 5 showers that day, a ton of clothes and lots of my patience! I did avert one small disaster when I stopped Gunnar and Aiden from tying Brodie to the ceiling fan to see if he could fly like Peter Pan.

They currently have found their love for making ramps and jumps for their mountain bikes. I am off to make sure everyone has all body parts intact. This is probably why I don't update very much as they are keeping me way to busy!

All our Love,
Terri and the WILD boys.

Corbin's Fun Run Store

CMG Heart Foundation Awareness Store